

Ireland - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Ireland on the European Semester, on EU…

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Eurochild Child Guarantee Taskforce Country Report - Ireland

Recommendations for the Child Guarantee National Action Plan in Ireland This report is part of 6 country reports which include recommendations for the design and implementation of the Child Guarantee…

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Early Childhood Development in Ireland - Country Profile

Ireland has made good progress over recent years in delivering early childhood development (ECD) policies and in supporting families with young children. Specifically, numerous policy provisions provide access to early…

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Ireland - Country Profile on the European Semester and COVID-19 crisis

The government’s support to families and children during the crisis was adequate. It extended the school meals programme when the schools shut, so that children would not go hungry. There…

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  • Children's Rights Alliance Ireland

    National Partner Network

    The goal of the Children’s Rights Alliance is to secure the changes in legislation policies and services required to ensure the implementation in Ireland of the principles and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In accordance with this goal, the Alliance has been pursuing key objectives since its establishment in 1995; these are realising and defending children’s rights, monitoring and identifying the gaps in the protection of children’s rights and improving the implementation of law and Government policies.


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  • Helen Lynch


    Helen Lynch is Director of the Occupational Therapy Graduate Studies programme and a member of the steering committee of ISS21 Childrern and Young Peoples group. In 2004 she joined the department of Occupational Therapy in UCC as full-time lecturer and Director of Brookfield Occupational Therapy Clinic. She designed and coordinated the second year Occupational Therapy programme, focusing on Occupational Therapy applied to early childhood and teenagers for eight years. She is now Year Four coordinator and leads the teaching on research in the programme. She supervises undergraduate research projects related to children and family-centred practice and delivers masters modules in professional reasoning.


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  • Hugh Frazer


    Hugh Frazer is an independent expert who advises national European and international organisations (e.g. European Commission and UNICEF) and NGOs (e.g. Eurochild, European Anti Poverty Network, ESN) on the development of social inclusion policies and strategies with a particular focus on issues of child poverty.


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  • Robbie Gilligan


    Robbie Gilligan is a Professor of Social Work and Social Policy at the Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland. Robbie has been a social work educator and social researcher for 40 years. He is still a registered social worker, and an active researcher (having recently retired from my formal duties as Professor). The main focus of his research relates to children and young people in alternative care and adult care leavers. On a more limited basis, his work has also engaged with migrant children and with children with disabilities. In his research, Robbie emphasises approaches that foreground the child’s experience and needs, and policy relevance. The ecological perspective on the child’s reality is also prioritised, respecting the role of family, school and other social systems close to the child’s daily reality. In all of his work, Robbie endeavours to promote the rights of the child through deepening understanding of their needs, experiences and rights. Robbie is a National Correspondent in Eurochild’s DataCare project for Ireland.

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  • Child Law Project

    National organisation - Knowledge Institute

    Established in 2012, the Child Law Project examines and reports on judicial childcare proceedings. The organisation attends and reports on Irish District Court childcare hearings, High Court special care hearings, and wardship cases involving children and young adults who have previously been in care. It operates under a protocol to protect the anonymity of the children and their families subject to proceedings. It uses information from the cases it attends to identify emerging trends. The Child Law Project also conducts legal and policy analysis and research to identify possible reforms to address the difficulties observed through its court reporting work. It provides information to the public on the operation of the childcare system in the courts with the aim of promoting transparency and accountability. Finally, it communicates the findings from its work to policy makers and elected officials through direct engagement.

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  • UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre

    Academic and research institution

    The UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre (UCFRC) in University of Galway, has established a solid foundation as the foremost policy research centre in Ireland focused on improving the lives of children and families. Founded in 2007, it has delivered a range of research/evaluation reports, as well as a volume of peerreviewed academic outputs. It has a strong record of accomplishment in the area of rights-based consultations with children and young people and youth-led research.

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  • Rita Melia


    Dr. Rita Melia, Ireland, is a lecturer on the BA Early Childhood Education and Care programme at Atlantic Technological University. She has worked in the early childhood education and care sector for over thirty years in practice, research and policy. Her main emphasis is on the right of all children to have quality early years experiences where they have a voice and choice

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9 July 2024

Ireland's 2024 Biennial report on the implementation of the Child Guarantee – an overview

Three years after the adoption of the European Child Guarantee, EU Member States are releasing the first report on its implementation. The reports offer an overview of the context, target…
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28 February 2024

Using Children's Rights to recover from the Global Pandemic

The Children’s Report, by UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre in partnership with Foróige, is part of the wider Building Children’s Futures project of which Eurochild is a partner. The…
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24 January 2024

Ireland - 2023 Country Profile

Read our latest 2023 country profile with feedback from our member from Ireland This country profile is taken from "Children's Rights: Political will or won't?", our 2023 report on children in need across…
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27 January 2023

Ireland - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members from Ireland on the European Semester, on EU…
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27 July 2022

Ireland's Child Guarantee National Action Plan - An overview

2021 was a turning point in the fight against child poverty, with the launch of two landmark initiatives, the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and the European Child…
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26 January 2022

Eurochild Child Guarantee Taskforce Country Report - Ireland

Recommendations for the Child Guarantee National Action Plan in Ireland This report is part of 6 country reports which include recommendations for the design and implementation of the Child Guarantee…
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22 December 2021

DataCare Country Overview - Ireland

In the context of the DataCare project, key data on children in alternative care for each country in EU and the UK have been analysed to map how EU Member…
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13 October 2021

Creating supportive environments through integrated working to fight child poverty

On 30 September, during the ‘ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform Community of Practice on Social Inclusion Peer review on creating supportive environments through integrated working to fight child poverty’, Eurochild members…
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29 July 2021

Early Childhood Development in Ireland - Country Profile

Ireland has made good progress over recent years in delivering early childhood development (ECD) policies and in supporting families with young children. Specifically, numerous policy provisions provide access to early…
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“Child participation is a way of thinking and in fact, not costly”, Norah Gibbons

Norah Gibbons, (Candidate) Honorary member of Eurochild and Chair of Ireland's Child and Family Agency, speaks of her work and the role the EU and children's rights organisations can play…


Social Media Use in Irish Youth

Eurochild Children’s Council Sioda took part in the Mayo Tusla Youth Advisory Group's project on social media In Ireland, the Mayo Tusla Youth Advisory group (part of a partnership between…


Irish report shows refugee children need more mental health, integration and education supports

Refugee children who have fled from Syria experience considerable challenges upon arrival in Ireland and need greater support from schools youth services and communities. That is according to a report…


Wealthy Ireland sets its Sights on Tackling Poverty Among Children

Despite being one of Europe’s wealthiest countries, 23.9% of children in Ireland (Eurostat, 2019) are at risk of poverty or social exclusion (decrease from 25.2% in 2017). Almost 4,000 children…


Ireland can lead the way in ensuring Member States focus on putting children first

On 24 May, Eurochild Secretary General, Jana Hainsworth, joined a webinar organised by Eurochild member, Children’s Rights Alliance, to discuss the potential of the EU Child Guarantee. More than 100…


If you can’t hear them, you aren’t listening

On 24 November, Eurochild Children’s Council’s Irish member Sioda, joined a panel discussion organised by Ireland’s Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth exploring how the EU can represent…


Protecting the best interests of the child and their rights in parental separation and care proceedings across Council of Europe countries

Eurochild joined by our Irish member, Dr Maria Corbett, participated in a Council of Europe hearing in Dublin to inform the Council’s new legal tool aimed at ensuring the best…


Children’s Rights Alliance presents 73 recommendations to the UN on Ireland’s record on children’s rights

Eurochild Irish member Children’s Rights Alliance publishes Are We There Yet?, its alternative report on Ireland’s record on children’s rights ahead of next week’s examination by the UN Committee on…


Irish Government is failing to deliver on its commitment to youth mental health

Eurochild Irish member Children’s Rights Alliance publishes its annual Report Card 2023 Report Card 2023 is the third analysis of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party’s joint Programme…


Building Children’s Futures - Youth participation with purpose

This blog was written by Marina Lambrakis, Policy and Partnership Development Officer at Foróige. The Building Children’s Futures project was initiated in autumn 2022, thanks to funding from the CERV…


Good quality data is a key building block for ensuring effective foster care: Reflections from Ireland

DataCare National Correspondent Professor Emeritus Robbie Gilligan and Eurochild DataCare project coordinator Ciaran O’Donnell share how good quality data is key to addressing policy challenges in Ireland’s alternative care system.…


Irish radio interviews young member of Building Children’s Futures project 

Latisha, who’s recently turned 18, has received the Traveller Pride Week Education Award and is a great representative of what the Building Children’s Futures project can contribute to in mainstreaming…


Dedicated, Ambitious Action Plan needed to address rising rate of child poverty

Eurochild Member Child Rights Alliance from Ireland launches its child poverty monitor 2023. The report analyses the state of play for children and young people, tracking Irish Government progress and…


Irish children left on waiting list for months after reporting sexual assaults

Eurochild member Children’s Rights Alliance reacts to two inspection reports on child protection services in Ireland. The Irish Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) published two inspection reports on services…


Education investment is key to break cycle of poverty in Budget 2024

With almost 5,000 early school leavers in Ireland, Eurochild member Children’s Rights Alliance calls on the Government to invest in education and fight educational inequality. End Child Poverty Week takes…


Eurochild contributes to Ireland’s first binding online safety code

In early September, Eurochild provided input to the Coimisiún na Meán, the Ireland’s Regulator for Broadcasting, On-demand and Online Safety, on the country’s first binding Online Safety Code for Video-Sharing…


Building Children's Futures project featured in Ireland’s National Policy Framework for Children and Young People

Ireland commits to embedding a children’s rights approach to public policy and decision-making in its 2023-2028 national strategy. Following last year’s World Children’s Day, the Government of Ireland’s Department of…


Using children’s rights to recover from the global pandemic

On 3 July, Eurochild organised an international hybrid conference for the Building Children’s Futures project to explore the importance of fostering rights-based solutions across the EU using Child Rights Impact…


3 July 2024

Using children’s rights to recover from the global pandemic

Registrations now open for the hybrid conference for the Building Children’s Futures project and the importance of child rights impact assessments in public policy decision-making. The event is part of…
